• Opening Prayers For An Event

    Opening Prayers For An Event

    Each day this year, a different annual conference from around the world has been praying for delegates, for the process, and for the wisdom and love of God to prevail when the denomination gathers in Portland, Oregon from May 10-20 for The United Methodist Church. On Wednesday, March 23, Minnesota United Methodists came together for a 24-hour prayer vigil. Hundreds of churches, groups, and individuals from throughout the conference on that day when they committed to be in prayer. At least one person or group was praying for General Conference every minute for the entire day. Meanwhile, about two dozen clergy and lay people from across Minnesota wrote their personal prayers for General Conference, and those prayers were shared via and every hour throughout the day of the vigil.

    Examples of Opening Prayers Father God, We praise you for your faithfulness, your love and your mercy, and we thank you for your many blessings. As we come together in your presence today, guide us by the promptings of your Holy Spirit, and draw us closer to you, through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. O God, we are in your presence.

    • Tends to render a prayer downright sancti monious! Jesus never used it, as some erroneously supposed. Do not pray a “canned” or well-rehearsed prayer. Let God in-spire your words and don’t worry about being grammatically perfect. Stick to the point! An “opening prayer” is just that. It is a prayer meant to open the services.
    • Short and Simple Christian Prayers for Saying Grace. These meal blessings are traditional Christian dinner prayers for saying grace at mealtimes. The prayers are short and simple, great for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, or any dinner gathering.

    Below is a compilation of those prayers, all in one place. We encourage you to continue to pray in the remaining days and weeks leading up to General Conference.

    You can pray your own prayer or pray some of these prayers that really speak to you. The prayers: “Almighty and gracious God, as we prepare for General Conference in Portland, have mercy on your church, troubled and divided. Pour out your heavenly blessings; redeem, restore and remold your church until we are made new, that we may be one in Christ for the sake of the world. Instill within delegates humble hearts and discerning minds that hunger and thirst for your righteousness and justice, and your vision for our future. Through the decisions and spirit of General Conference, renew in the whole church a passionate longing for the coming of your kingdom, and unite us in one mission: to reach and make new disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world. Amen.” -Bishop Bruce R. Ough “God of grace and glory, as we approach these days of coming together to conference, favor us with your presence.

    Fairy tail anime english. Pour out your Holy Spirit to bless, to cleanse our hearts and minds, to open our spirits to the unseen possibilities before us. Guide each of our delegates to seek to understand one another with humility, gentleness, and care. Make us passionate for your kingdom and your vision of what this world can be.

    Renew us as a church in our mission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Amen.” -Rev. Laurie Kantonen, Hubbard UMC “Gracious God, we pray for the safety and well-being of those traveling from around the world to meet in Portland, Oregon. We pray that you let your Holy Spirit be in their midst and that you will prepare their hearts and minds to be receptive to your word. Let their love for Christ be the unity by which they make decisions to honor you and to honor one another in their faith. Direct the tone and nature of the discussions, and let everything be done and said to your glory. Let the words of their mouth and the meditation of their hearts be acceptable to thee, oh God.

    We ask these blessings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.” -Lee Rainey, Park Avenue UMC (Minneapolis) “Heavenly Father, we give thanks to you through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Bless us, guide us, and lead us—young and old—as United Methodists who seek to grow in grace and live out your word and your vision for our future. Keep us from all sin and evil so that we may serve you in all faithfulness through Jesus, our Lord. Amen!” -Kieu Doan, Faith Vietnamese Fellowship (Richfield) “Save us, O Lord our God, we desire to flee the wrath that is to come. Gather us safely. Gather us as United Methodists from among the nations.

    May we, as a connection of faithful followers of Jesus, give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise. In our preparation, blessed be the Lord; in our session, blessed be the Lord; in the missional sending out, blessed be the Lord; blessed be the Lord from everlasting to everlasting. And let all the people say, ‘Amen.’ And let all the people say, ‘Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord.’ Amen.” -Rev. Joel Xavier, Kasson & Pleasant Corners UMC / Prayer adapted from Psalm 106:47-48 “God, in the quietness of this moment, help us to hear your voice and know what you have called us to do. Help us, Lord, to remember that this is really all about you and your amazing grace through Jesus Christ. Fill us with your presence that in doing the business of the day, we experience your kingdom breaking through.

    Bind us together with your Spirit to be a unified body, holy in our diversity, and wise in understanding. May our decisions reflect the beautiful nature of Christ to the world: life-giving and transforming, a sign of peace and hope. Amen.” -Rev. Terri Horn, Le Sueur UMC “Our gracious Lord and God: We turn to you in these days leading up to General Conference. People have been elected from diverse locations to do some of the hard work of our denomination. We realize that we are being transformed day by day, and more than anything, we pray that in thought, word, and actions, we might become the church you desire. Embrace our delegates with an earnest depth of discernment, and may every corner of each piece of legislation be washed in prayer.

    How is Badan Akreditasi Nasional-Perguruan Tinggi (Indonesian: National Accreditation Board for Higher Education) abbreviated? BAN-PT stands for Badan. BAN-PT is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database. BAN-PT, Badan Akreditasi Nasional-Perguruan Tinggi (Indonesian: National. Organization Overview. Established in 1994, the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi BAN-PT) is. Keputusan Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia nomor 025/BAN-PT/Ak-I/S2/IX/2000 tentang. Akreditasi universitas. Jul 14, 2017 - This event will be jointly organized by BAN-PT and AQAN. Sekretariat Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) dan Tenaga.

    This we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen.” -Rev. Grant Tanner, Cedar UMC (Ham Lake) “Gracious God, as you gather United Methodist delegates from many places throughout the world, come Holy Spirit from the four winds and breathe life; breathe wisdom, unity, and love. Lord, prepare hearts, minds, and hands to remain open to your voice, your heart, and your guidance. Surprise us as you lead our United Methodist Church into a more vibrant future that bears witness to the world that you are God who continues to do more than we could ever ask or imagine. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.” -Rev. Cynthia Williams, Camphor Memorial UMC (St. Paul) & Park Avenue UMC (Minneapolis) “I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid, lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case, unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.” -John Wesley “Lord God, we turn over every proceeding, every breakout meeting, every item of legislation, every delegate conversation, every word from the session floor—all of it, Lord, we turn over to you, asking that by the power of your Holy Spirit, it might be fruitful toward resetting and reestablishing the doctrine, spirit, and discipline on which we first set out.

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    Lead us away from any manner of conversation, legislative act, or proceeding that would lure us into the embrace of empty religion which manifests the form but lacks the power. Lead your Methodist people to life-giving decisions. Amen.” -Rev. Fred Vanderwerf, Southern Prairie District Superintendent “God of our yesterdays and our tomorrows, help us to be your faithful church today. On this very day children suffer needlessly, neighbors are separated in their ideas, and a million human hearts long for your grace and power. This, O God, is the day to rekindle your fire in the hearts of your people and organize us with methods that will carry your good news as effectively now as in the time of John Wesley. Help us to bring joy in love, faith in our mission, and hope of your salvation to everyone. Guide and inspire your United Methodist Church and its delegates to General Conference to heal and bless our world.

    Amen.” -Rev.

    These invocation prayers are appropriate for public meetings, yet they are Christian based. This page is for those who are asked to pray a meeting prayer and want to construct a prayer that will not easily offend others. These prayers will be appropriate for most meetings that Christians would find themselves attending. Take note that we also have Invocation Prayers for a Public or Corporate Meeting I am excited for you about the opportunity you have to lead a group into the throne room of God.

    First Meeting Prayer: Will you bow your head as I pray? God of all Creation, We come before you today to give you honor and praise. You are worthy of praise. You are the source of all that is good.

    You are the source of all of our blessings. Thank you for every gift that we have been given. We thank you for the opportunity to come and gather together this day. We ask for your hand of blessing on this meeting. We ask that you would guide and direct our meeting so that it is full of wisdom, productivity, and respect for one another.

    Thank you for helping us to accomplish our work and our goals this day. Amen Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers People can often sense our closeness with the Lord when they hear us pray. For those who hear us pray and are beginning to seek the Lord, it can create a hunger inside of them. When I have been asked to pray for a public meeting, I have kept my main focus on my opportunity to manifest my closeness to the Father. Public prayer opens the door for displaying for others how to feel comfortable and accepted in the Father's presence. It gives an example of what others can have with the Father. I want my prayer to eternally touch others.

    Before my public prayer, I privately pray and ask God to allow my closeness and love for him to show through me. I pray that those who don't know him - or are not close to him - would feel such a warmth between the Father and me that they would hunger for that kind of relationship. I want to draw people toward the Lord. This prayer point idea came to me as I was listening to a story about a man who prayed a simple public prayer. Later he was approached by someone who had become hungry for the kind of relationship with God that he heard exhibited during that prayer. Invocation Prayers continued Second Meeting Prayer: God of all Creation, We come before you to welcome you to this meeting. We give you respect and acknowledge you as our Creator and Provider.

    It is you who are omnipresent. You are everywhere, Lord. It is you who are omnipotent. You have all power. It is you who are omniscient. You know everything.

    God, as we begin this meeting, we ask that you would guide our thoughts and our actions so that we may have a successful meeting today. Help us to accomplish our goals while displaying your character. We pray these things in your mighty name.

    Amen Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers Thank you for visiting this Christian prayer page. We hope you will choose to visit other pages in our site. For a list of all our prayers go to: Back to the top of.

    Opening Prayers For An Event